
Showing posts from July, 2021

aws-ecs demo | amazon elastic container service demo | aws container demo | aws fargate

 aws ecs demo | amazon elastic container service demo | aws container demo | aws fargate Below topics will cover aws ec2 machine creation  install docker on aws linux machine 2  create docker image  create iam user with programmatic access and give permission to  ecs, ecr, ec2 configure user created in above step in linux machine  create ecr repository and push docker image  create task definition create cluster  create service  demo step to create ec2 machine go the aws console, in the search bar search for ec2  click launch instance from the top right side  next select the machine - Amazon Linux 2 AMI in the choose instance type select - t2.micro in the configure instance and add storage step - go with default values give the name of your machine in the add tags section  in the configure security open port 22 and port 80 in the inbound ...

aws kms key with s3 - how to use aws kms key to encrypt data - aws kms s3 demo

Topics to cover in this  what is kms ? types of kms ? create 2 IAM users with s3 full permission how to create kms key  create S3 bucket  configure both users with aws-cli verify both users access with s3 how to enable encryption on s3 bucket  verify  what is kms  aws key management service (aws kms ) is a managed service - here managed service means kms is managed by aws, not by us like kms key update, policy update, kms backup kms key provides the next level of security to our data by providing encryption to data kms key helps us to manage our data securely and also reduce the burden of managing user access with IAM policy or s3 bucket policy  In simple words, key management services or kms help us to encrypt and decrypt the data  types of kms  we have 2 types of kms key provided by aws  symmetric - a single encryption key used for both encrypt and decrypt the data  asymmetric - a public and private key pair that can be used to en...

aws ssm automation

This blog will help you to deploy bash scripts or run linux commands on multiple servers at once. Steps involved  1. Create multiple EC2 machines  2. Create IAM role for EC2 and attach SSM policy.  3. Attach IAM role created in step 2 to EC2 machine  4. Check in AWS SSM console if servers are showing or not in RUN command.  5. Go to AWS SSM - select Run command and than select Shell script to run command on multiple linux machine at once  6. Enter the bash script in the console  7. Select the logs destination  8. Deploy - check the in the console for status  1. Create multiple EC2 machine  Open the Amazon EC2 console at Choose Launch Instance. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), find an Amazon Linux 2 AMI at the top of the list and choose Select. Choose an Instance Type, choose Next: Configure Instance Details. Configure Instance Details, provide the following information: Leave Number of instances ...